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Blog tagged as 财务顾问

2016年,我们接到一个IT搬迁的项目,客户是一家金融公司,这家公司从长安街某大厦搬到金融街某国际大厦,所有的IT设备都搬走,部分是需要Disposal的。经过讨论项目经理接管整个项目。开始前,项目经理带着工程师去勘察了现场的办公环境,对整个办公室的IT环境检查了一遍,清点了所有的IT设备(资产盘点/Asset Management),并贴上标签纸(Asset Categorization),做成了资产列表(Inventory list) 。跟两边的物业取得联系,货物出入要什么材料,几点关门几点开门,货车出入地库有什么标准,申请出入相关许可等等
15.01.21 11:35 AM - Comment(s)
北京伟嘉信经济咨询有限公司(S.J. Grand)是一家专业为跨国公司在华业务提供财务及税务咨询服务的公司。通过中国外商投资中心设立的办事处网络,专业团队为客户提供税务和会计,企业融资,优化和财务顾问等一系列服务。
15.01.21 11:04 AM - Comment(s)
White Glove Network Installation in Hong Kong

Hong Kong team completed one more SMART work -- Deployment of Palo Alto firewalls. Stack &Rack, Cable connection &Dressing, Configuration and Change-over. At this moment, we had both Speed and Quality. Congrats to the team!!

13.11.17 09:58 PM - Comment(s)
中国 2015 IT服务市场调研
Driven by the growth in IT investment and of China's information sector, revenue for the IT Services industry has been growing at an annualized rate of 6.3% over the past five years. In 2014, revenue is expected to total $111.7 billion, up 7.1% from 2013.
16.11.15 10:00 PM - Comment(s)