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 [选择] 管理外包服务合同,还是按小时计费的服务?

23.11.15 11:04 PM By nina.lin

Why would one company choose a Managed Services Contract and another company pay for services by the hour?
Feel free to contact us, so we can schedule a Free Site Survey and Cost Cutting Evaluation to review your business and better answer this question.

There are many reasons one company would select one plan over the other. Let us briefly explain the difference between the two contracts.

Managed Service Contracts are generally all inclusive service contracts. If something breaks, BROCENT Tech will fix it. Let’s look at an extreme example. Let’s say a workstation on your network can’t boot because of an operating system error. BROCENT Tech will go to your office and address the issue. Let’s assume the operating system is corrupt; we would fix it. Let’s say it cannot be easily fixed; we would restore a back up image and get your machine running. Let’s go further and say a backup image doesn’t work; we would bring the machine to our store for further evaluation. In the meantime, we will provide you a loaner computer while this computer is being fixed. Once your computer is fixed, we will bring it back to your office and setup EVERYTHING! Mapped drives, emails, files folders, everything. IT’S ALL INCLUDED, service, travel, repair, back up, loaner, setup and more with a Premier Managed Service Contract. The example we gave is an extreme and very, very unlikely to happen, but a Managed Service Contract covers it.

管理外包服务实际上是一种全包的服务合同模式。如果客户的IT 设备或者软件/应用出现问题,博迅的工程师会立刻开始修复。让我们来看一个极端的例子,例如:客户的一个工作站出现问题,由于操作系统的问题导致无法启动。博迅的工程师会立刻电话沟通了解问题,如果无法解决会按照服务等级协议到客户办公室仔细诊断问题。如果是操作系统问题无法修复,那么工程师会尝试从备份中恢复;如果备份介质有问题导致无法恢复,可预期的数据恢复时间RTO/RPO会很长,通常博迅会提供一台备用电脑,确保修复和排错的过程不会影响到客户的业务;当数据恢复完成、操作系统也可以正常使用,博迅工程师会进一步帮助客户配置OUTLOOK/NOTES, AD, 文件共享,安装必要的工具软件,尝试恢复所有配置等等。这种服务方式就是管理外包服务,整个服务过程包括了电话支持、远程支持、现场检测、现场技术实施、备用电脑的提供、数据和配置的恢复。

Most repairs are simpler than the example we just gave which is why an Hourly Service Contract may be better for your business. Hourly Service contracts are bulk purchases of on-site service hours. By purchasing on-site service hours in bulk, your company will receive a discount from ~10% to 50% off of our standard on-site service rate. Depending on the size of your network and the number of on-site service hours, an Hourly Service Contract may be better from your company.

然而,在现实工作环境中,绝大部分的技术故障都不会这么复杂。这也是为什么按小时计费(TOKEN)的模式会更有竞争力,能够帮助客户节省成本。按小时计费(TOKEN)的服务模式,实际上是客户购买了一定数量的服务小时数,如果一次性购买的多,可以享受到 10% - 15%的折扣。 按照客户公司基础架构的规模,可以有选择的批量购买,或者阶段性购买。而且,这些购买的服务,可以通用于客户在不同城市的分支。 

Interested in paying a monthly fee to support your entire network and devices? Click Here to read about our managed services solutions. Only need a few hours of service a year? Click Here to read about our Hourly Service Contracts.

如果您感兴趣管理外包服务,或者按照小时计费的(TOKEN)服务模式,请联系客户经理 , 或者发送邮件到 我们会第一时间响应您的需求。

Feel free to contact us for more information.
