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Blog categorized as 法规及信息安全

Direct Access功能克服了VPN的很多局限性,它可以自动地在外网客户机和公司内网服务器之间连接双向的连接。Direct Access通过利用IPv6技术的一些特性做到这点。Direct Access使用IPSec进行计算机之间的验证,这也允许了IT部门在用户登录之前进行计算机的管理。
14.01.21 01:20 PM - Comment(s)
02.08.16 11:26 AM - Comment(s)
World Password Day世界密码日
我们迎来一年一度的世界密码日(World Password Day)。包括微软、英特尔、三星、宏碁在内,多家知名企业先后参与了这次2016世界密码日庆祝活动,他们通过实际活动劝诫用户,是时候创建一个复杂的账户密码。
10.07.16 11:38 PM - Comment(s)
Security rules for SMBs to follow
While small businesses lack the big budgets of their enterprise counterparts, that doesn’t make security any less of an issue for SMBs. In fact, small and medium businesses are more and more often the target of cyber criminals precisely because they generally have fewer security measures in place.
11.11.15 10:41 PM - Comment(s)